Marietta Wrecker Service specializes in prompt vehicle removal to assure the safety and accessibility of your business. Private trespass towing or non-consensual towing is the act of towing vehicles improperly parked or trespassing on privately owned property, at the request of the property owner or their authorized agent, without prior consent or authorization of the owner or operator of the vehicle.
Whether you are a business or residential property owner, it is unlawful for unauthorized vehicles to park in your parking spaces or property.
Marietta Wrecker is required to have a contract with the property owner. The contract must be signed by the owner or an authorized agent for the property owner. Signs must be posted for at least 24 hours before any trespassing vehicles can be removed from the property.
Call Marietta Wrecker Service for any vehicles unlawfully parked in your business or home property.
Do you need unauthorized or abandoned vehicles removed from your PROPERTY?
Private Property Impound Law (PDF)
List of Permitted Wrecker Services, Georgia Department of Public Safety